Exploring the Mandela Effect
Exploring the Mandela Effect
Name the family of bears in the children's series
Berenstein | Berenstain |
Berenston | I don't know/ I'm guessing |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or didn't know |
How did you know the answer?
I didn't, I guessed
I currently own the books/shows
I/My family used to read the books and watch the show together
I've just heard the name and remember it
I distinctly remember talking about this
What is the name of the famous TV show?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Buffy a Vampire Slayer |
Buffy Vampire Slayer | I don't know or have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed/ didn't know |
How did you know your answer was correct?
I didn't, I guessed
I currently own the show
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I've just heard the name and remember it
I distinctly remember talking about this
What is the name of the famous TV show?
Sex in the City | Sex'n the City |
Sex and the City | I don't know/ I have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or didn't know |
How did you know the answer?
I didn't I guessed
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I currently own the show
I've just heard the name and remember it
I distinctly remember talking about this
What did Darth Vadar say to Luke when sharing his family relation?
Luke, I am your father | No, I am your father |
I am your father | I don't know/ I have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or didn't know |
How did you know your answer was correct?
I didn't, I guessed
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I currently own the show
I've just heard the line and remember it
I distinctly remember talking about this
How many manned trips to the moon has NASA announced (Those that landed and those that just orbited)?
0-2 | 3-6 |
7-10 | More than 10 |
I don't know/ I would have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or didn't know |
How did you know your answer was correct?
I'm an astronomy professional | I'm an astronomy enthusiast/hobbiest |
I've seen it on the news/media | I don't know, I guessed |
I've heard people talking about it | I distinctly remember talking about this |
What did the Disney queen say to the Mirror?
Mirror Mirror on the wall | Magic Mirror on the wall |
Mirror on the wall | I don't know/ I would have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or I didn't know |
How did you know your answer was correct?
I didn't I guessed
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I currently own it
I've just heard people talking about it
I distinctly remember talking about this
Name the famous Anne Rice Series?
Invterview with a Vampire | Interview with the vampire |
Interview with Vampires | I don't know/ I'd have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or didn't know |
How did you know your answer was correct?
I didn't I guessed
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I currently own it
I've just heard people talking about it
I distinctly remember talking about this
In the Kevin Costner flick the line is?
If you build it they will come | If you build it he will come |
if you build it we will come | I don't know/ I have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed/ I didn't know |
How did you know your answer is correct?
I didn't, I guessed
I, my friends, and/or my family used to watch it together
I currently own it
I've just heard people talking about it
I distinctly remember talking about this
What is the universal blood donor type?
O+ | O- |
AB | I don't know/ I have to guess |
How confident are you in your answer?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or I didn't know |
How do you know your answer is correct?
I have medical training | I'm a medical professional |
People/media mentioned it | I've had distinct conversations about this |
I just guessed | Common knowledge |
Did Nelson Mandela die in prison?
Yes | No |
I don't know |
How confident in your answer are you?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed |
How did you know that your answer was correct?
I remember reading about it | general conversation |
I heard through the media | I knew about this effect |
Chris Rock skit | I remember distinctly talking about it |
I guessed/ I don't know | Other |
A number of years back the ATF and FBI raided a compound in Waco Texas run by David Koresh. What was the group's name?
Jesus Davidians | Christ Davidians |
Branch Davidians | I don't know/ I have to guess |
How sure are you that your answer is correct?
Extremely | Moderately |
I guessed or I didn't know |
How do you know that your answer is correct?
I remember reading about it | General Conversation |
I heard about it through the media | I remember talking about this distinctly |
I guessed or I didn't know | common knowledge |
This quiz is about the Mandela effect. The actual answers according to google are Berenstain Bears, Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "No, I am your father!", 6 manned flights landed on the moon and 3 manned flights orbited it for a total of 9, Magic Mirror, Interview with the Vampire, "If you build it he will come," he didn't die in prison, and O- (if you google any of those topics with mandela effect you'll get web links, you can also visit (http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/2015/08/what-time-is-it-mr-wolf.html) for a great discussion about it. After seeing the answers what do you think is going on?
People simply mis-remember things?
People are moving in and out of timelines/multiverses/parallel universes
The whole thing is a complicated government psyop
This is a meaningless idiotic experiment
This is a conspiracy of some sort or another
CERN is altering things for everyone
Something or someone caused a glitch in the Matrix
Society collectively misheard like a bad game of telephone
If you said other can you please explain?
When were you first exposed to the many ongoing Mandela effects in question and started paying attention to them?
Right now because of this quiz (September 2015 or later)
I've been aware since sometime in or around July 2015
I've been aware since between 2012 and 2015
I've been aware before 2012
If you mentioned other to any of the previous questions can you share how or why you knew?
Over 25,000 people have responded here are some data about their answers? 82% remember it as Berestein Bears, 56% remember it as Sex in the City, 74% remember it as "Luke, I am your father," only 12% of people knew the right number of NASA missions, 88% thought it was Mirror Mirror, 77% thought it was Interview with a Vampire, 86% thought it was "If you build it they will come," and 47% thought it was O+. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Branch Davidians were included as controls and 95% of people got Buffy right and 85% got Branch Davidians right (for those that were extremely confident it was closer to 95%) (there was no controversy surrounding those two questions). Now that you have seen data what do you think is the root cause of the Mandela Effect? (oddly enough only 22% of this survey thought Mandela died in prison)
People's memory sucks
People are moving in and out of timelines/multiverses/parallel universes
The whole thing is a complicated government psyop
This is a meaningless idiotic experiment
This is a conspiracy of some sort or another
Society collectively misheard like a bad game of telephone
CERN is altering things for everyone
Something or someone caused a glitch in the matrix
If other what is the root cause?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
Would you consider yourself any of the following?
Deeply religious | Deeply spiritual |
Truther/Conspiracy Theorist | A scientist |
Loner/hermit/misanthrope/anti-social | Media avoider |
other | none of the above |
someone who thinks people are idiots | UFOoligist/ET researcher/enthusiast |
I'm trying to figure out if there are things about people that tend to influence how they interpret the Mandela Effect. Is there anything about you that you'd like to share that feels like it's having a heavy influence on how you interpret the data?
For as many questions as you can remember a distinct conversation about one of these effects can you please share the details of that conversation? When did it take place? Who was it between (spouse, friend, significant other, family, etc.)? What was said or what happened that makes it stand out?
{"name":"Exploring the Mandela Effect - Take the Quiz", "url":"http://www.doquizzes.com/QRVR3A","txt":"Name the family of bears in the children's series, How confident are you in your answer?, How did you know the answer?","img":"http://cdn.poll-maker.com/45075/father.jpg?sz=1200-000021100053"}
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