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Which Star Wars Expanded Universe character are you?

Which Star Wars Expanded Universe character are you?

What are your tools of the trade?
Philosophy and communacation
A starship
The friends around me
A good old blaster
The knowledge from my past experiences
A lightsaber
The raw potential of the Force
Anything I can get my hands on
How did you find your path?
Family business
Rough upbringing
I had to fall before I could find my way
I lost everything
What's your vice?
The sins of my past
An unfulfilled promise
Flaunting the law
Losing myself
Trusting the wrong people
Light side or dark side
Light side
Dark side
A little bit of both
One cannot exist without the other
This entire perspective is wrong
Who is your confidant?
My husband/wife
My pilot
My droid
My sibling
My allies
My master
You come to a locked door. How do you get past it?
Hack/break the lock
Slice through it
Rip it out of its frame
Find a ledge of the vent to bypass it
Get through using past clearance
Cause a distraction to get the door open and slip in unnoticed
Charm one of the personnel to do it for you
I can't solve this, but one of my companions can
Do you typically deal with single threats or entire hordes?
Single threats
Choose a world
Yavin IV
Ord Mantell
{"name":"Which Star Wars Expanded Universe character are you? - Take the Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Take a trip into the galaxy far, far away and see what Legend you could be a part of","img":"","accounts":"@CECtheRonin","hash":"#starwars #expandeduniverse #legends #characters #jedi #lightsaber"}