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Are you a sunset or sunrise type inside?

Are you a sunset or sunrise type inside?

What is your favorite color?
Do you eat breakfast?
Yes, it is necessary
Only if I have time
No, not really
none of your business
Do you go to sleep before midnight?
yes Always before 9:00
No never
about 10-11 pm
i don't sleep until morning
What's your motto?
Enjoy life as it is.
Do everything later.
Party til you die!!
Time never stops, keep going.
idk my motto
What do you think of this picture?
WOW! sooo pretty
Too bright for me
Looks amazing, nature is beautiful
I hate those colors
could be better, still cool though
whoa nice picture
All the things you had for tomorrow are cancelled. What are your plans?
Invite all my friends for an all nighter!
SLEEP IN. totally.
Get up extra early to get stuff done.
I'll just see how it goes. I'll do what I feel like doing.
Do you like nature?
Um... idk
YES! I love everything about it.
no not really. I'd rather have more technology
Most of the time, I just don't like the hardships that come with it.
Not at all. I hate it.
Kinda. maybe, maybe not. (I don't feel like answering)
I only like animals :)
{"name":"Are you a sunset or sunrise type inside? - Take the Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is your favorite color?, Do you eat breakfast?, Do you go to sleep before midnight?","img":""}